May 2018
Lamb Update

As lambing season comes to a close, many lambs are still alive and well throughout our study area, which is good news. Lambing season for Peninsular bighorn typically extends from January through June. However, summer is here and it’s the toughest time for these little ones. Several lambs using the golf courses in La Quinta have begun showing signs of illness (coughing, runny nose) and we anticipate losing some to disease that has plagued this group of urban-dwelling desert sheep. Other than that, we’re feeling pretty hopeful about this year’s crop of lambs.
Ram with Rope

Many people in PGA West in La Quinta have seen and reported a young ram with a rope around his right hind leg. We first learned of this ram with the rope in early February and the California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW) have been trying to capture him to remove the rope. Unfortunately, this ram is more nimble than his frail appearance suggests and has eluded capture multiple times making him more wary and difficult to catch. Since he is unmarked, he can’t be tracked so captures have been attempted after he is spotted. We don’t know how he got the rope around his leg, but we are all concerned for his health and well-being so please call Kevin Brennan (CDFW) directly if you see this ram 760-749-3270.
Flashing Beacons Hwy 74
We have been working with Caltrans and the wildlife agencies to get more bighorn sheep warning signs on Hwy 74. At the end of May, Caltrans finally installed two yellow flashing

beacon signs on top of the existing bighorn sheep crossing signs. We feel these signs will be a tremendous help alerting motorists to the presence of sheep on this treacherous road. Sheep have been hit and killed each year on this stretch of highway. Although these signs will be helpful in keeping sheep and drivers safer, we urge everyone traveling on this highway to continue to use extreme caution.
Girl Scouts
In early May, we had Girl Scout Troop 468 out of Riverside visit the Institute to learn

about the sheep and join our conservation efforts. They designed a word find puzzle for us to hand out at events. They also wanted to help the sheep by donating supplies and with their cookie sales. Thanks, girls and keep up the good work!
Save the Date!
Our 2018 Annual Party and Golf Classic fundraiser will take place November 18th & 19th at Stone Eagle Golf Club in Palm Desert! This event is open to everyone and is the

Institute’s main fundraiser so we hope you’ll join us! Invitations will be mailed in early October. If you can’t come or would just like to help out, we can use auction items! Nothing is too big or too small to make a difference so please call if you have something you’d like to donate 760-346-7334!
Recent News
Pizza, Sheep &Shoot-Out – Oh My
How (and where) to safely see a Peninsular bighorn sheep in the desert this summer