August 2024Two New Lambs! August was an exciting month with two new lambs born in the northern Santa Rosa Mountains herd! One ewe hadn’t given...
July 2024Waterhole Count Results On July 2nd and 3rd, the Institute, along with our team of amazing volunteers, successfully conducted our annual...
June 2024Lambing Season Comes to a Close Lambing season has “officially” ended for Peninsular bighorn sheep as it typically extends from January...
May 2024Save the Date: Fall Fundraiser We’re excited to announce our Annual Party and Golf Classic will take place Sunday and Monday, November...
April 2024Spring Fling a Success Bighorn Institute’s 6th Annual Spring Fling was held on April 16th at the exclusive Stone Eagle Golf Club and was...
March 2024Fence Gates are CLOSED! We are beyond thrilled to let you know that the La Quinta fence gates were closed on March 29th! It’s taken just...
February 2024Membership Meeting Bighorn Institute’s Annual Membership Meeting took place February 3rd at the Institute and we had a great group of...
January 2024Reminder: Membership Meeting Feb. 3rd Our Annual Membership Meeting is in a few days on Saturday, February 3rd from 8:30am-9:30am at...
December 2023The End of an Era For the past 38 years, there have been captive-reared bighorn sheep released from Bighorn Institute in the northern...
November 2023Annual Party and Golf Classic a Huge Success! Bighorn Institute’s 36th Annual Party and Golf Classic took place at Stone Eagle...