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April 2021

Spring Fling a Success

Bighorn Institute’s Spring Fling was held on April 25th at the exclusive Stone Eagle Golf Club and was a sold-out success! Everyone enjoyed a delicious dinner and live auction surrounded by gorgeous views and wonderful weather. Thanks to all who joined us and made it a memorable evening; it was so good to see supporters in person! And a special thank you to our sponsors, donors and auction donors!

New Lambs

We saw a number of new lambs born in April in each of our three study areas. Lambing season is going well for the most part, although we know a few lambs have already been lost. The good news is, a couple of lambs that have shown signs of illness are still hanging in there so hopefully, they’ll survive. In fact, one lamb that had a case of contagious ecthyma (CE) or sore mouth looks to be recovering, which is very encouraging. So, we’ll keep tracking the ewes and looking for lambs.

CARS Donation Program

Bighorn Institute has joined CARS as a charity of choice for vehicle donations! Have a car, boat, rv, or other vehicle you don’t need? You can donate it to Bighorn Institute via CARS and it’s tax-deductable! Donating is easy and your vehicle doesn’t even have to run. Just click CARS donation program | bighorninstitute or call 855-500-7433 and CARS does all the work to make donating hassle-free! This is another great way to support the sheep so please spread the word! Now, let’s get that Porsche that’s collecting dust in your garage donated to Bighorn Institute! Hey, you’ve gotta dream big!

La Quinta Fence Update

As many of you know, the required fence in La Quinta around the golf courses has been stalled for various reasons for several years. We recently learned from the Coachella Valley Association of Governments that PGA West has finally agreed to the proposed fence alignment so the fence can move forward. PGA West is private property and an easement is needed to build the fence on their property, but they have no financial responsibility for the fence. This is great news, but we’ve heard it before so time will tell. (Pictured: a ewe browsing dangerously close to the canal in which many sheep have drowned.)

56th Desert Bighorn Council Meeting

This year’s Desert Bighorn Council meeting took place via Zoom on April 7-8, 2021 and was very informative, as always. If you weren’t able to join the meeting or would like to watch one or several of the presentations, you can visit click on the link and watch them on YouTube: Desert Bighorn Council - Meetings

BI Resale Store

Bighorn Institute’s Resale Store at Antique Galleries of Palm Springs is going strong! This is a long-term program so we’re always looking for more loot to add to the store. We would like smaller, high-quality items such as: jewelry, coins, bullion, pen sets, small clocks and watches, crystal, statuary and decorative items, antiques and collectibles, etc. All profits benefit the bighorn AND all donations are tax-deductible! You can take your items directly to Antique Galleries of Palm Springs (505 E. Industrial Place, just south of downtown off Sunny Dunes) and ask for Mike or Thomas. If you can’t take your items in, give us a call and we can help collect them 760-346-7334. Thank you!

*Pictured: BI Resale Store at Antique Galleries of Palm Springs


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