January 2025
Reminder: Membership Meeting Feb. 1st
Our Annual Membership Meeting is in a couple of days on Saturday, February 1st from 8:30am-9:30am at Bighorn Institute. We will discuss our accomplishments in 2024, plans for 2025 and elect the Institute’s 2025 Board of Directors. All current members are welcome, but please RSVP at 760-346-7334. We hope you can join us!

Population Update
On January 1st, all lambs born in the spring of 2024 are considered yearlings and have been added as adults into the population. The lambs born in the fall of 2024 are still considered lambs in 2025 because most are just 2 months old or less. Lamb survival was the same as last year in the San Jacinto Mountains (SJM) near Palm Springs, 11%, which is low. The SJM herd has experienced low lamb survival for the past 8 years, which is concerning. To maintain a stable population, around 26% lamb survival is desirable. We’ll be discussing this with the wildlife agencies at our annual meeting. There are now approximately 70 adult bighorn in the SJM herd, down more than 10% from last year. Lamb survival in the northern Santa Rosa Mountains (NSRM) near Rancho Mirage/Palm Desert decreased slightly to 29%, but this herd saw a second lambing season in the fall, which is incredibly unique. The NSRM herd now numbers approximately 120 adult bighorn. Lamb survival in the central Santa Rosa Mountains (CSRM) herd near La Quinta was the same as last year with 16% lamb survival, which is low, and there were approximately 155 adult bighorn in this herd, according to the 2022 helicopter survey. We’re waiting for the range-wide survey results for 2024, which will provide an estimate for the CSRM as well as an overall population for Peninsular bighorn.

*Three 2024 lambs that are now considered yearlings
Lambing Season
Lambing season is going strong and a number of lambs have been born in 2025 in all three of our study areas from Palm Springs to La Quinta. Lambing season extends from January to June for Peninsular bighorn with most lambs usually born between February and April. However, as you’ve read in our recent newsletters, although incredibly rare, we’ve documented lambs born in the fall in a “double lambing” event in four of our forty-three years. We’re in the field all year most every day, which is how we can document these amazing anomalies.
If you’re out hiking, please let us know if you see lambs since most of the ewes are unmarked. You can call 760-346-7334 or email us at bi@bighorninstitute.org. However, please don’t post on social media where you see lambs as it often attracts others and too many people can be stressful to the ewes with their newborns.

*A 2025 lamb
Save the Date: 2025 Spring Fling
Mark your calendars for our upcoming 2025 Spring Fling fundraiser to be held on the evening of Tuesday, April 8th at Stone Eagle Golf Club! Invitations will be mailed out in March, but please save the date and we hope to see you there

Member Hike
We had our first member hike of the year on January 15th and we had to work for our sheep sighting! Despite seeing 23 sheep in the same area the day before, we only saw one on our hike. But, that’s sheep work so those who joined us got a taste of what it’s like to be a bighorn biologist. This is also why we wait to decide where to hike until a few days ahead of time to maximize our chances of seeing sheep. Our next member hike will be on Wednesday, February 12th and will likely be moderately strenuous (up to 1,000 ft elevation gain). Space is limited, no dogs, and you must RSVP for this first come first served hike. To sign up or for more information, please call us at 760-346-7334 or email us at bi@bighorninstitute.org.

BI Resale Store Items Needed
Have small, interesting items you’d like to donate to Bighorn Institute’s Resale Store at Antique Galleries of Palm Springs? Things we could use include: jewelry, coins, bullion, pen sets, small clocks and watches, crystal, camera equipment, statuary and decorative items, antiques and collectibles, etc. You can take your items directly to Antique Galleries of Palm Springs (505 E. Industrial Place, just south of downtown off Sunny Dunes) and ask for Mike or Thomas. If you can’t take your items in, give us a call and we can help collect them 760-346-7334. Thank you!

Recent News
Grant aids with deeper research at Bighorn Institute – The Desert Sun