Desert Bighorn Adaptations
The Peninsular desert bighorn is truly a remarkable animal. From the massive curl of a ram’s horns to their agility in steep rocky...
La Quinta Fence Update
Construction for a fence is still in the planning stages around the golf courses in La Quinta to remove the sheep from the urban...
Local Population Update
There’s good and bad news for the local herds. The good news is, the San Jacinto Mountains herd near Palm Springs increased slightly and...
Bighorn Barrier Progress in La Quinta - Spring 2017
In February 2014, as part of a multiple-species habitat conservation plan requirement, the state and federal wildlife agencies mandated...
New Range-Wide Population Estimate - Spring 2017
In mid-November 2016, the California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW) conducted a helicopter survey for bighorn sheep in the...
Local Population Update - Spring 2017
Two of the three local herds have increased in number from Palm Springs to La Quinta. There are now approximately 70 adult bighorn in...
San Jacinto Herd: Road to Recovery - Winter 2016
The San Jacinto Mountains (SJM) near Palm Springs are the steepest escarpment in North America rising to nearly 11,000 feet in 7.5 miles....
Population Update - Winter 2016
In January, bighorn in the wild are aged one year older to make field aging methodology more consistent. That means lambs are now...
Capture Recap - Winter 2016
The California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW) put around 90 radio-collars on bighorn throughout the Peninsular Ranges from Palm...
Bighorn on the Greens - Spring 2015
We hear stories throughout the year about bighorn sheep sightings on four golf courses in La Quinta (Tradition, SilverRock, PGA West and...